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Archer e suas Evoluções

01 - arqueiro brasil tree of savior mupy02 - quarrelshooter brasil tree of savior mupy03 - ranger brasil tree of savior mupy04 - sapper brasil tree of savior mupy05 - hunter brasil tree of savior mupy06 - wugushi brasil tree of savior mupy07 - scout brasil tree of savior mupy09 - fletcher brasil tree of savior mupy11 - falconer brasil tree of savior mupy10 - schwarze reiter brasil tree of savior mupy12 - cannoneer brasil tree of savior mupy 13 - musketeer brasil tree of savior mupy


Swordsman e suas Evoluções

01 - espadachim brasil tree of savior mupy

02 - highlander brasil tree of savior mupy03 - peltasta brasil tree of savior mupy04 - hoplite brasil tree of savior mupy05 - barbarian brasil tree of savior mupy07 - cataphract brasil tree of savior mupy06 - rodelero brasil tree of savior mupy09 - squire brasil tree of savior mupy08 - corsair brasil tree of savior mupy11 - doppelsoeldner brasil tree of savior mupy10 - fencer brasil tree of savior mupy12 - dragoon brasil tree of savior mupy13 - templar brasil tree of savior mupy14 - centurion brasil tree of savior mupy


Clérigo e suas Evoluções

01 - cleric brasil tree of savior mupy

02 - krivis brasil tree of savior mupy 03 - priest brasil tree of savior mupy 04 - bokor brasil tree of savior mupy 05 - dievdirbys brasil tree of savior mupy 13 - paladin brasil tree of savior mupy06 - sadhu brasil tree of savior mupy 07 - monk brasil tree of savior mupy 08 - pardoner brasil tree of savior mupy 09 - oracle brasil tree of savior mupy 10 - druid brasil tree of savior mupy 11 - plague doctor brasil tree of savior mupy 12 - kabbalist brasil tree of savior mupy


Wizards e suas Evoluções

13 - bruxo brasil tree of savior mupy

01 - cryomancer brasil tree of savior mupy 02 - pyromancer brasil tree of savior mupy 03 - psychokino brasil tree of savior mupy 04 - linker brasil tree of savior mupy 05 - thaumaturge brasil tree of savior mupy 06 - elementalist brasil tree of savior mupy 07 - chronomancer brasil tree of savior mupy 08 - sorcerer brasil tree of savior mupy 09 - necromancer brasil tree of savior mupy 10 - alquimista brasil tree of savior mupy 11 - warlock brasil tree of savior mupy 12 - featherfoot